Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday Kayli

What's going on with us....

So, I keep asking everyone what to write my first blog about and everyone says just write about what's going on with your family right now! Are you kidding me!! I don't even know where to start! goes!! First of all, the month of October is super busy for us! The state fair comes, we have 3 birthdays, it's still soccer season, and then we have Halloween! Coleman works, works, works. I am a stay at home mom...I like to say I work for no pay! I volunteer a lot at Kayli's school and am PTSO treasurer at Kaleb and Noah's school. Coleman and I also coach Kayli's soccer team. I have to say that we
.3. have the greatest kids! Kaleb is 11. He is in 5th grade and is extremely smart! He is in the Science Club and Beta Club at school. He makes straight A's. Kaleb plays soccer, baseball, and basketball. His favorite sport is soccer and he just made the DII team, which means we will be traveling a lot more for soccer! A lot of people ask what DII is, it is basically a tournament team that is handpicked...kind of like All Stars for baseball. Noah is 9 and is in 4th grade. He also plays soccer, baseball, and basketball. He is great at baseball. He has played catcher for the past two years and loves it! He is also very smart. He and Kaleb are totally different! Noah makes straight A's also which makes me so proud of him because he has ADHD. Noah has a lot to live up to because every teacher at school that knows Kaleb expects the same out of Noah! It is frustrating for Noah sometimes, but at the same time sometimes it has his perks! Kaleb and Noah were both in the homecoming parade for school this past week which was really fun! The kids pegged us with candy and Kayli and Caden got so much! Kayli just turned 5 this past week and she is in 4 year old kindergarten. She absolutely loves it! Kayli plays soccer, tball, and takes gymnastics. She definitely holds her own in this house full of boys!! She is a little miss priss and is very bossy! Caden is 3 and is so ready to go to big boy school like Kayli. He loves playing any sport that the other kids play! He played t ball and would wear his uniform shirt everyday if I let him. He is very independent and wants to do everything himself which usually is a huge mess! Last, but not Rylan!! He will be a year old on October 26th. He is getting into everything and loves just watching everything that goes on! I have to say that I think he gets bored when everyone is in school because he is so used to it being loud and chaotic! He has tons of little babysitters out on the soccer fields which is great for us! So...that's our life, these 5 children and it doesn't sound like much but when you mix it all together...its complete chaos! I never could have imagined what this would be's so fun and at the same time so tiring.